The Council is the statutory body of the Regulator, which
- elects and dismisses the director, determines the director's remuneration (the conditions and method of payment of remuneration are regulated by the Regulator),
- discusses and approves Statute, the Regulator’s Rules of Organisation and the Rules of Procedure of the Council,
- discusses and approves the Regulator's draft budget for the relevant financial year, including its binding indicators, the financial statements,
- discusses and approves the annual report,
- discusses and approves the transfer of ownership of surplus immovable property or movable property, the acquisition price of which was higher than EUR 20 000 and the residual value recorded in the bookkeeping according to a special regulation is higher than EUR 10 000, lease of real estate for a period longer than one year or for an indefinite period of time and securing the obligation by establishing a lien or securing the obligation by transferring the security right to the real estate,
- acquaints itself with the results of the internal inspection and the results of the inspection of the Regulator by third parties,
- performs other activities within the scope of the Regulator's competence as determined by the Regulator's statute.