Competence of the Council for Media Services

The competence of the Council for Media Services in the area of state administration includes, in particular, deciding on authorisations, registrations, licences, compliance with obligations and the imposition of sanctions under the Media Services Act, European works, independent productions and Slovak musical works, plurality of information and transparency of property and personnel relations, assessing the appropriateness of public protection measures taken by the provider of a video-sharing platform.

The competence of the Council for Media Services also includes issuing generally binding legislation, supervising compliance with obligations under the Media Services Act, monitoring and evaluating the activities of self-regulatory mechanisms and self-regulatory bodies that enforce these mechanisms, resolving disputes and handling complaints under the Media Services Act, compilation of the list of major events, registration of selected content service providers and content services provided, compilation of statistics on broadcast programmes and programmes provided in the framework of audiovisual media services on demand, analysis of the media market, including plurality of information and the advertising market.

The Council for Media Services also 

  • participates in the development of generally binding legislation in the field of broadcasting, retransmission, provision of audiovisual media services on demand and provision of content sharing platforms, 
  • comments on proposals for the conclusion of international agreements in the areas regulated by the Media Services Act and their implementation, proposes the conclusion of or accession to international treaties, 
  • reports to the European Commission on the accessibility of programme services and audiovisual media services on demand to persons with disabilities, the promotion of European works and independent production in broadcasting and in the provision of audiovisual media services on demand, on the promotion of and measures taken for the development of media education, 
  • cooperates in the exercise of supervision with the competent authorities designated by the Member States responsible for the enforcement of legislation to protect consumer rights, with the Ministry of the Economy of the Slovak Republic, the single liaison office and the European Commission, where this supervision and cooperation concerns commercial media communication and other forms of promotion, 
  • cooperates with the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services in the use of frequencies for broadcasting, 
  • notifies the Radio and Television Council of Slovakia of breaches of the obligations imposed on a public service broadcaster by the Media Services Act, 
  • initiates and carries out research and analytical activities in the field of media for the purpose of monitoring and evaluating the state of the media environment, in particular with regard to the dissemination of hate speech, disinformation, content that may seriously impair the development of minors, cyberbullying, media literacy, and commercial media communication, political promotion, internal and external media pluralism and the level of media freedom, 
  • cooperates with self-regulatory bodies in the areas regulated by this Act, 
  • establishes co-regulatory mechanisms in the areas regulated by this Act, 
  • initiates and carries out activities promoting media literacy, 
  • actively cooperates with partner supervisory authorities in the Member States and their associations and organisations, 
  • resolves cross-border disputes with the competent authority of another Member State concerning the suspension of retransmission of a programme service or the provision of an audiovisual media service on demand, 
  • cooperates with the European Commission in the areas regulated by the Media Services Act, 
  • participate in the exchange of information and cooperate with international organisations or authorities of other States, which operate in the areas regulated by the Media Services Act, 
  • participates in the work of the European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services, 
  • cooperates with the supervisory authorities of another Member State when dealing with a content service which does not fall within the competence of the Regulator or other state authorities of the Slovak Republic, although it operates on the territory of the Slovak Republic, 
  • cooperates with online content sharing platforms in the effective, proportionate and non-discriminatory application of the rules for the provision of their services, 
  • keeps statistical reports on the coverage of the territory of the Slovak Republic by radio and television signals and on the number of inhabitants, who receive radio and television signals from authorised broadcasters, 
  • acts as an online contact point for the provision of information and submission of complaints concerning multimodal access to television programme services and audiovisual media services on demand, 
  • acts as a supervisory authority for the implementation of the special measures pursuant to Art. 5 of the EU Regulation on addressing the dissemination of terrorist content online and imposes sanctions under Art. 18 of the EU Regulation on addressing the dissemination of terrorist content online for breaches of obligations defined by the Media Services Act, as well as sanctions under other specified special regulations.

Calendar of events

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday