Video sharing platform providers are obliged to take appropriate measures to protect
minors from programmes, user-generated videos and commercial media communications that may impair the physical, psychological or moral development of minors,
the public from programmes, user-generated videos and commercial media communications that contain the promotion of violence or which, overtly or covertly, incite violence or hatred, disparage or denigrate on the grounds of sex, race, colour, language, creed and religion, political or other opinion, property, disability, age, sexual orientation, birth, national or social origin, genetic characteristics, nationality, membership of a nationality or ethnic group,
public from user-generated programmes, videos and commercial media communications, which contain the elements of the offence of dissemination of child pornography, publicly incite or publicly endorse the commission of any of the offences of terrorism, or contain the elements of the offences of crimes against humanity, crimes of extremism or war crimes.
Video sharing platform providers shall also be required to take appropriate measures to comply with the limited supervision that the video-sharing platform provider exercises over the media commercial communication to ensure that the media commercial communication which is not marketed, sold or hosted by the video-sharing platform provider complies with the relevant provisions of the Media Services Act on media commercial communication.
The appropriateness of the measures taken shall be assessed by the Council for Media Services. The platform provider shall submit them to the Council upon request. The measures taken by the video-sharing platform provider shall be feasible and appropriate with regard to the scale and nature of the video-sharing platform, taking into account
the nature of the content provided,
the harm that the content may cause,
the group of persons to be protected,
the rights and legitimate interests, including the interests of the video-sharing platform provider and the users who uploaded or created the content,
as well as the general public interest.